yard with standing water

Managing Water

Solutions are available to help solve drainage issues in rural areas including:

  • Removing standing water in your yard, driveway, or parking area
  • Preventing erosion
  • Dealing with minor flooding
  • Redirecting water from your building foundations

Most of the options available for solving drainage problems in rural areas rely on infiltrating water into well-draining soils. If your groundwater is high and stormwater can’t infiltrate during the wet months, you may be able to safely convey water across your landscape with other techniques to a place where it can infiltrate.

Options to solve rural surface water problems

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Reduce flooding and erosion and assist in the removal of harmful contaminants from the stormwater.

  • Rain gardens
  • Bioretention systems
  • Gravel infiltration trenches
  • Dry wells

Move water safely from one place to another on your property to alleviate ponding and other problems.

  • Bioinfiltration swales 
  • Drainage ditches

Spread and slow the flow of water to enhance infiltration into the ground.

  • Downspout dispersion 
  • Sheet flow dispersion 
  • Concentrated flow dispersion 

Filter and slow polluted stormwater in areas of high foot or light vehicle traffic using permeable pavements.

  • Permeable pavers 
  • Gravel grids  
  • Porous asphalt 
  • Pervious concrete 

For more information view the Fact Sheet:  Options for Managing Surface Water Drainage (PDF).