Fact Sheets

These in-depth Fact Sheets will help you identify potential or existing drainage problem on your property and how to resolve issues. Click a red button to view a Fact Sheet.

Describes how to create a drainage site map of your property so you can find solutions appropriate to your situation.

The first step in solving drainage issues on your site and determining the best options for managing stormwater.

Describes a variety of ways you can manage drainage issues on your property with illustrations of each technique.

Tables comparing similiar methods are presented, so you can choose the one that is right for your situation.

Provides an overview of bioinfiltraion swales and presents general concepts and guidelines including design, construction, and maintenance.

The detailed white paper: Rural Property Surface Water Management:
Surface Dispersion Infiltration Trenches and Bioinfiltration Swales
provides the technical foundation and references for information in the fact sheets and this website.